
Get Involved — Volunteer!



We need adult volunteers for our clubs, our programs, and the other opportunities listed here. There are so many ways to get involved, and we need your help!


Please consider becoming a volunteer for one of the programs listed below. We need chairs to lead activities, as well as volunteers to help the chair persons.
If you have questions, please contact the appropriate vice president listed below. Thank You
1st Vice President, Enrichment  - Julie Harris
2nd Vice President, Programs - Lindsay Casey
3rd Vice President, Fundraising - Nicole Daniel



Any person wishing to volunteer in Round Rock ISD is required to complete a Volunteer Application each school year, to improve student safety. We strongly encourage all our parents to complete a ‘Volunteer Application’ as early in the year as possible. You must have a volunteer application on file each school year if you plan to chaperone a field trip. Complete the volunteer application





Duties: (1) Get helmet grants from participating doctor and TMA. It's a two step process of having a physician on board who grants helmets, and that grant is matched by TMA (Texas Medical Association). (2) Set up skills course, manage skills course. Usually there are four sets of bike skills. (3) Set up bike safety inspection. (Usually done by Bicycle Sports Shop or Buck's Bike.) (4) Have a helmet fitting station.  Works with Healthy Lifestyles chair.
Time Commitment:  (1) Online correspondence with TMA, participating doctor, and local bike shop takes about 2 hours. (2) Setting up course the night before takes about 1 hour. (3) Various duties on Bike Rodeo day takes about 4 hours.
VP:  2nd 



Duties:  Decide club meeting day and frequency and find location at school to host club; Develop registration form to include student emergency contact information, grade and teacher; Advertise club and meeting dates; Coordinate with teachers to allow kids to go to club, similar to other after school classes;  Be at school 45 min before club time to prepare and set up games;  Choose games to be played; Coordinate help from parents; Set up a location for dismissal (ie. car rider tables) and wait for kids to be picked up; Prepare sign-up list for keeping track of attendance.
Time Commitment:  About 6-10 hours prior to the beginning of the club, and approximately 3 hours per week during the year.
VP:  1st 


Duties:  Organize about 2 events/drives per year to benefit some social cause(s). For example, in 2014 the committee held a fun run on Family Fun/Fitness Night to benefit Children's Craniofacial Association (in conjunction with Wonder, a book read by the older grades at Caraway that year), and a food drive in the spring for Capital Area Food Bank.
Time Commitment:  Varies, depending on the event(s) you choose to organize, but probably not more than an hour a week, averaged over the year. 
VP:  2nd 


Duties:The scholarship committee is comprised of 2-3 parent volunteers including the committee chair. The committee selects two graduating Westwood High School (WWHS) seniors who are Caraway alumni to each receive a scholarship. The scholarship is based primarily on need.  However, the student must also demonstrate strong academic performance, and participation in school activities and/or community service. The committee will also evaluate extenuating circumstances presented by the student in the short essay portion of the application.
Time Commitment: A one-time 3-4 hour meeting at WWHS to select the recipients.  Additionally, the committee chair needs 4-6 hours to identify/contact committee members, set up appointments, and correspond with various parties
VP: 2nd 


Duties: Create spirit wear design with text and illustration every other year. Get design approval from the Principal and PTA Board. Work with vendor to select spirit wear and gear items for production. Coordinate and promote online Spirit Store sale dates. Organize spirit wear orders and deliver to classrooms with support from the Board or Spirit Wear volunteers.
Time Commitment: During design, production, and delivery of spirit wear items for two Spirit Store openings in August to September and January to February.
VP:  3rd 



Duties: The Caraway Chess Club chair reserves meeting space at the school, schedules weekly club meetings, organizes an initial parent information meeting and student registration, recruits and supports other leaders, oversees the design and distribution of club t-shirts. May also coordinate student registration, preparation, and participation in a school-wide tournament in the spring. Will keep track of PTA chess board inventory and is the communication contact for the program.
Time Commitment: Varies, but averages one hour per week in addition to weekly one hour meetings (currently held Mondays 6:30-7:30 pm).
VP: 1st


Duties:  Promote collection of donations for the RRISD Clothes Closet through eblasts and flyers;  take donated clothes each month to the Closet, recruit and schedule volunteers for monthly shifts at the Closet. Help coordinate yearly Sock and Underwear Drive.
Time Commitment:  Minimal, less than 1 hour/week, to draft eblast items, monitor volunteer schedule, or take donations to Clothes Closet.
VP:  2nd 


Duties: Team up with our CCL Planning Committee to plan the ultimate adults-only party and biggest PTA fundraiser. Planning includes securing the venue, selecting food and beverages, choosing a theme and decor, coordinating event sponsors and raffle sponsors for the silent auction, working with the Art Teacher on live auction, organizing event promotion and ticket sales, coordinating event timeline with venue, and managing budget. The CCL Committee will support planning tasks, as well as event set-up and clean-up.
Time Commitment: Planning begins in late fall with a significant amount of time 3 months prior to the event and peaks in March or April, depending on event date.
VP:  3rd   


Duties:  Manage multiple grade/department CE budgets by coordinating CE Spending Plans and purchases with department heads, PTA Treasurer, and Vice President.  Spending plans are finalized in September.  During rest of year, volunteer reviews submitted expenses and forwards to Vice President and Treasurer for reimbursement.   
Time Commitment:  Varies from 0 to 10 hours per week, depending on time of year, with more hours occurring in September, January and April.
VP:  1st 


Duties:  Lead team of students in project-based approach to problem solving.  Each coach will spend 12 weeks with a grade level team of 3-12 children in preparation for competition in early spring.
Time Commitment:  Significant, but incredibly rewarding; averages 5 hours per week.
VP:  1st 



Duties: The Caraway Green Team chair coordinates environmental based activities for the school and coordinates with Caraway teachers to help support the school garden.  This can include events, educational programs, implementation of new equipment and maintenance of current Green Team programs or areas on campus. 


Time Commitment:  Varies based on the number and types of projects undertaken during the year. 


VP:  1st 




Duties:  As Field Day chairperson, you are primarily responsible for 4 areas. First of all, you will be recruiting over a 100 volunteers through periodic emails and flyers, all which direct the volunteers to a Signup Genius site you have created. Secondly, you are responsible for getting supplies as requested by the PE teachers such as whistles, colored bracelets, popsicles and tattoos, as well as reaching out to HEB for a local donation. Third, you create a master volunteer list for each station on Field Day.  Lastly, on the big day, you direct all volunteers to their stations and provide them with their visitor badges, supply packets for their station and snacks and water to feed them and keep them hydrated.
Time Commitment: Including the day of, the total commitment is approximately 30 hours and well worth it.
VP:  2nd 


Encourage healthy habits and exercise for students, parents, and staff members. This position has been inactive, so you can make it what you want! The volunteer would  work closely with the Coaches and help with International Bike and Walk to School Day(s), planning and volunteering at Family Fun Night (once a year), and providing educational information via the PTA newsletter/eblasts weekly or monthly.
Time Commitment:  Anywhere from 30 minutes or less per week, up to 1-2 hours per week depending on the time of year.
VP:  2nd 


Duties:  The homeroom parents work closely with their child's teacher to plan classroom events.  Help the teachers communicate with the classroom parents via emails.  Recruit volunteers from your classroom's parents for various PTA events.  Plan and volunteer at classroom parties (Usually 3 per year -- winter break, valentine's day and end of the year).  Collect funds and buy gifts for teacher/staff birthdays.  Contribute to teacher appreciate week activities.
Time Commitment:  A few hours per week in some weeks.  
VP:  1st 


Duties:  Treat the teachers throughout the year and make them feel appreciated all year long.  Past treats have included luncheon to kick off the year and/or luncheon during Teacher Appreciation Week, breakfast before Thanksgiving, Cookie Exchange before Winter Break, treats at select staff meetings, snacks during STAAR testing days, and more.  It's a great way to get to know the teachers and staff, a really fun way to be involved in PTA, and the teachers love it!!
Time Commitment:  Mainly just organizing each time you are doing anything for the teachers, and then set up/clean up for that (which is usually the same day). 
VP:  1st 



Duties:  Run the international night event.  Or join a team to represent a country that your family is from or that you particularly like by providing information, activities, clothes, and/or food from that country.  In past years we've had many countries represented including China, India, Mexico, Columbia, Italy, Poland, France, Japan, South Korea, United States, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Saudi Arabia, West Indies/Carribean Islands and many more. 


Time Commitment: Varies depending on role, but typically a few days to prepare for your country's presentation


VP: 2nd



Duties: Prepare materials and organize volunteers to assist at Kinder Roundup in March, organize summer playground playdates for incoming kindergarten students, serve as liaison/resource for kindergarten parents and PTA 
Time Commitment: Minimal most of the year, with 5-10 hours required for Kinder Roundup 
VP:  2nd




Duties: Update school marquee sign in front of Caraway (Oak View side) weekly to display important information, upcoming events, and birthday wishes. Cross-reference dates on the school website, PTA website, and Principal Newsletter.


Time Commitment: Sign updates are weekly on a Saturday or Sunday, 15 to 20 minutes. 


VP: 3rd 



Duties:  Math Pentathlon is a fun, PTA-supported program of interactive problem-solving games that strengthens basic math concepts and stimulates creative thinking. The program has three divisions for students from kindergarten through 5th grade, with parent volunteers leading each division. The Caraway Math Pentathlon chair reserves meeting space at the school and schedules weekly club meetings, organizes an initial parent information meeting and student registration, recruits and supports division leaders, oversees the design and distribution of club t-shirts, coordinates student registration, preparation, and participation in area division tournaments in the spring, keeps track of PTA game inventory, manages the PTA Math Pentathlon budget, and is the communication contact for the program. 
Time Commitment:  Varies, but averages one hour per week in addition to weekly one hour meetings (currently held Mondays 6:00-7:00 pm).
VP:  1st 



Duties:  Organize fall PTA membership campaign, print and distribute membership cards; fill out the Membership report and submit to Texas PTA, submit Caraway PTA for applicable Texas PTA membership awards.
Time Commitment:
VP:  2nd 

Duties:  Organize PTA Reflections art program for Caraway students.  Advertise the theme and submission deadline.  Collect submissions for review.  Hold a small recognition event for participating students.
Time Commitment:  
VP: 2nd

Duties:  Manage the Robotics Program for the Younger WeDo class.  Each year the program conducts a total of 4 classes – 2 in the Fall and 2 in the Spring.  Each class is 10 weeks in duration lasting 1 hour each.  This job typically is divided among 2-3 parents with one parent the overall coordinator.  The overall coordinator runs the registration the 2nd week of school with the help of Ms. Glicker, our program school sponsor.  He/She will also coordinate with National Instruments (NI) to obtain a commitment on NI volunteers for the year – we currently have 5 volunteers from NI.  He/She secures the room for the school year by filling out the forms with Pam in the office. 
Time Commitment:

Registration – 4-6 hours during first week of school to send out flier and receive all applications and communicate with parents

Working with team to develop program – 2-3 hours at the beginning of the year – communicating with NI and volunteers on class curriculum

Running a class – 1-2 hours each week for period of 10 week each.  The class is 1 hour long, with another 0-1 hours for set up and sending out group email if necessary that week

VP:  1st 


Duties:  In February, the School Supply Chair works with the Caraway Secretary and school supply provider to gather quotes for each grade level. The school secretary will provide district guidance on cost ceiling per grade. Once the quotes are approved by PTA and the school, the School Supply Chair will sign the contract. Marketing emails and website information begins mid-April and continues through mid-June. In August, the supplies will be delivered and the chair will organize a volunteer work day to distribute the supplies to the appropriate classrooms.
Time Commitment:  Requires no work during the fall semester; from February to June, it requires 2-3 hours per week, and approximately 5 hours in August.
VP:  3rd 


Duties:   Provide information to teachers and students interested in participating in school Science Fair projects. Coordinate logistics for the January Science Fair, held at the school, including judges and volunteers.  Work with students who advance to the regional Science Fair.
Time Commitment:   Pretty serious time commitment during December and January
VP:  2nd 


Duties: Choose an annual science theme.  Plan demonstrations and create exhibits for the hands-on Science Night event.  Recruit members of the comunity to bring in and present interesting science exhibits.  Organize volunteers and setup for the event.  
Time Commitment:  Several hours per week in the 6-8 weeks before Science Night in January.
VP: 2nd



Duties: Schedule a monthly Spirit Night at a local restaurant from September through May to raise money to support Caraway. A percentage of the Spirit Night proceeds are donated to Caraway PTA. Create Spirit Night flyer and oversee event promotion through newsletters and flyers.
Time Commitment: Minimal. Most scheduling can be done through email or phone calls during the day.
VP:  3rd 



Duties: Plan a free community event to welcome back students and families with a fun-packed afternoon. Coordinate fun kid activities with different vendors, as well as display the Teacher and Staff Wish Lists. Create Sunday Funday flyer and oversee event promotion through newsletters and flyers. Coordinate volunteers for set-up, event support, and clean-up.
Time Commitment: Event is held in September, so planning will start over the summer to secure vendors and peaking in September.
VP:  3rd 



Duties: Plan a free community event with Halloween trunk decorators, games, kids raffle prizes, snack vendor, and music. Organize and promote candy donations at the candy monster. Create Trunk or Treat flyer and oversee event promotion through newsletters and flyers. Coordinate volunteers for set-up, event support, and clean-up.
Time Commitment: Event is held at the end of October, so planning begins in September and peaks in October.
VP:  2nd


Duties:  Works directly with the yearbook publisher representative and is responsible for ordering yearbooks, meeting publishing deadlines, and making payments to the publishing company. Oversees volunteers and helps assign roles (pages) to each volunteer, including at least one volunteer per grade level.  Committee takes pictures at all school events, as well as at grade level functions.  Volunteers will also work on production of 5th grade pages and Pridelines. Responsible for delivering yearbooks once received in May.  
Time Commitment: The most time is needed at the very beginning of the year meeting the representative and between the months of December and March--most deadlines occur during this time frame.  
VP:  1st   

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Gold Sponsors

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Image number 4 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 5 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 6 in a rotating selection of images.
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Image number 8 in a rotating selection of images.

Bronze Sponsors

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Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.